These are 5 videos of the lessons, that GM Datu Dieter Knüttel taught during the seminar he taught on June 28th to 30th 2024 in Vancouver, Canada
There are always 2 versions, onde download and one download and streaming.
When you click on the red links you find more information about the videos and you can order them there
#1 Introduction to Modern Arnis DAV
In this video, GM Datu Dieter Knüttel gives an introduction to Modern Arnis as it is taught in the DAV (Deutscher Arnis Verband) in Germany. Here he demonstrates and explains the foundations of striking, footwork, blocking and empty hands.
16,90 €
19,90 €

The basics of Moder Arnis DAV: striking, blocking, foortwork, left hand and empty hands
Running time 53 minutes
#2 Disarm – lock – throw – DAV
In this video, GM Datu Dieter Knüttel gives an introduction to the 2nd series of disarming, the snake circle principle. Many details, how to make this disarming work are given as well as how to use it as an entry to a sticklock and throw. And the same techniques are shown empty hands as well
Vancouver-Disarming- download
16,90 €
19,90 €

2nd Series of disarming, snake circle: disarming, locking, throwing with stick empty hands
Running time 37 minutes
#3 Sinawali and Tapi-Tapi – DAV
In this video, GM Datu Dieter Knüttel gives an introduction to the Sinawali and the Tapi-Tapi as it is taught in the DAV (Deutscher Arnis Verband) in Germany. Details about the execution, how to train, 2 vs. 1, disarming as well as a lot of information about the basic flow of Tapi-Tapi is taught in theis video.
Vancouver-Sinawali+Tapi-Tapi- download
16,90 €
19,90 €

Single Sinawali, 2 vs. 1, Disarming in Single Sinawali, Tapi-Tapi basic flow
Running time 34 minutes
#4 Empty hand locks – DAV
In this video, GM Datu Dieter Knüttel demonstrates and teaches his locking techniques. Important principles like bad student and good student, locking with mass, closed ring or impulse are taught as well as short drills, in which you can train the locks. Fingerlocks and how to get them are also an important part of this video.
Vancouver-Empty-hand-locks- download
16,90 €
19,90 €

Armbar, wristlocks, backward throw, fingerlocks, Drills to train the locks
Running time 37 minutes
#5 Selfdefense without force and selfdefense with a mobile phone
In this video, GM Datu Dieter Knüttel demonstrates, tha selfdefense can be done without force. Different aspects are given as well as verbal selfdefense, how to avoud dangerous situation with a mobile phone and how to defend with a mobile phone, if a fight can not be avoided.
16,90 €
19,90 €

Easy selfdefense that needs no force, verbal selfdefense, how to avoid a fight, selfdefense with a mobile phone
Running time 53 minutes