In February 2019 a Modern Arnis seminar in Dortmund/Germany was held, where the two Modern Arnis Grandmasters, Master of Tapi Tapi Brian Zawilinski and Datu Dieter Knüttel, taught together.
They showed the similarities and differences in their Modern Arnis techniques.
This is part 2 of a 2 part series about this seminar.
In this second video, the emphasis is on mobility throw, foot throws, Tapi Tapi and chaining of traps.
Go here where you can find more information and to order GM Brian and GM Dieter Part 2
GM Brian Zawilinski + GM Datu Dieter Knüttel:
Mobility throw, walking throw, foot throws
GM Brian Zawilinski + GM Datu Dieter Knüttel:
Tapi-Tapi, largo-medio-corto, hand change, chaining traps, chaining traps empty handed
Go here for more details and to order:
GM Brian and GM Dieter Part 2
Only 12,90 €.
Running time: 49 minutes
Language: english