In September 2019 GM Dan Anderson, 10th  Dan Karate and 9th Dan Arnis, taught a Karate seminar in Paderborn and an Arnis seminar in Dortmund.
The topics of the Arnis seminar were functional twirling as well as 6 count drill with grabbing.

There were 2 videos porduced from the Arnis seminar.

Here the information about the  functional twirling video

52 minutes, 13,90 €

Functional twirling with Dan Anderson

Here the information about the 6 count with grabbing video

48 minutes, 13,90 €

Dan Anderson teaches 6-count with grabbing

Here the information about the Dan Anderson Arnis offer

52 + 60 minutes, 24,90 €

Functional twirling and 6 count drill with grabbing by GM Dan Anderson

In September 2019 GM Dan Anderson, 10th  Dan Karate, taught a Karate seminar in Paderborn and an Arnis seminar in Dortmund. Grandmaster Dan Anderson, one of the most popular and most influential Karate GMs in the USA
The topics of the Karate seminar were functionale Bunkai of selected techniques, Sparring/Kumite as well as how Kata training can enhance the Kumite.

Ther were 3 videos porduced from the Karate seminar.

Here the information about Bunkai video

41 minutes, 13,90 €

Karate Kata Bunkai by Super Dan Anderson

Here the anformation about the Sparring  – Kumite video

48 minutes, 13,90 €

Karate Sparring / Kumite techniques, video by Super Dan Anderson

Here the anformation about the Kata  – Kumite video

48 minutes, 13,90 €

Karate Kata to Kumite – by Dan Anderson

And here the info about the Dan Anderson Karate offer

41 + 48 + 62 minutes, 39,90 €

Karate: Bunkai, Kata, Sparring Kumite by Dan Anderson