This is an offer for the 3 videos from the Double Impact Seminar with GM Bobby Taboada (Balintawak) and GM Datu Dieter Knüttel (Modern Arnis) that took place on September 17th/18th 2022 in Berlin.

It was an exceptional seminar with about 130 participants from Poland, Czech Republic, Italy, France, the Nethlands and from Germany.

These 3 videos document the teaching of both Grandmasters.

This is for everybody, who participated and want to keep the memorys of the seminar alive but also for those, who could not make it and who can get an impression and all the techniques and concepts from the seminar.

Double Impact-offer – 1-3 – download

Not 59,70 but only 49,90 € (Outside the EU even less, for no VAT will be charged)

Balintawak and Modern Arnis in one seminar. All parts, Vol. 1 – 3 with GM Bobby Taboada and GM Datu Dieter Knüttel

Running time 229 minutes


On September 17th / 18th 2022 the Double Impact Seminar took place in the olympic Wrestling hall from 1936. The instructors were GM Bobby Taboada (Taboada Balintawak) and GM Datu Dieter Knüttel (Modern Arnis).

It was an exceptional seminar with about 130 participants from Poland, Czech Republic, Italy, France, the Nethlands and from Germany.

This is part 3 of 3 videos which will document all the teaching of both Grandmasters. This is for everybody, who participated and want to keep the memorys of the seminar alive but also for those, who could not make it and who can get an impression and all the techniques and concepts from the seminar.

There are 2 versions. when you click on the red links you fiond more information about the videos and you can order them there:

Double Impact-Seminar part 3 – download

19,90 €

Double Impact-Seminar part 3 – download + streaming

23,90 €

Double- Impact Seminar - Video 3

Balintawak und Modern Arnis auf einem Lehrgang Teil 3 mit GM Bobby Taboada und GM Datu Dieter Knüttel

Running time 89 minutes


On September 17th / 18th 2022 the Double Impact Seminar took place in the olympic Wrestling hall from 1936. The instructors were GM Bobby Taboada (Taboada Balintawak) and GM Datu Dieter Knüttel (Modern Arnis).

It was an exceptional seminar with aboout 130 participants from Poland, Czech Republic, Italy, France, the Nethlands and from Germany.

This is part 2 of 3 videos which will document all the teaching of both Grandmasters. This is for everybody, who participated and want to keep the memorys of the seminar alive but also for those, who could not make it and who can get an impression and all the techniques and concepts from the seminar.

There are 2 versions. when you click on the red links you fiond more information about the videos and you can order them there:

Double Impact-Seminar part 2 – download

19,90 €

Double Impact-Seminar part 2- download + streaming

23,90 €

Double- Impact Seminar - Video 2

Balintawak and Modern Arnis in one semionar part 2 with GM Bobby Taboada and GM Datu Dieter Knüttel

Running time 55 minutes


On September 17th / 18th 2022 the Double Impact Seminar took place in the olympic Wrestling hall from 1936. The instructors were GM Bobby Taboada (Taboada Balintawak) and GM Datu Dieter Knüttel (Modern Arnis).

It was an exceptional seminar with about 130 participants from Poland, Czech Republic, Italy, France, the Nethlands and from Germany.

This is part 1 of 3 videos which will document all the teaching of both Grandmasters. This is for everybody, who participated and want to keep the memorys of the seminar alive but also for those, who could not make it and who can get an impression and all the techniques and concepts from the seminar.

There are 2 versions. when you click on the red links you fiond more information about the videos and you can order them there:

Double Impact-Seminar part 1 – download

19,90 €

Double Impact-Seminar part 1- download + streaming

23,90 €

Double Impact Seminar Part 1

Balintawak and Modern Arnis together on one seminar Part 1 with GM Bobby Taboada and GM Datu Dieter Knüttel

Running time 85 minutes