Hello and welcome to my website.

My name is Dieter Knuettel and I have been practising martial arts since 1966 and Filipino martial arts since 1978. I am M.A. in sports science and I am Modern Arnis chief-instructor for der DAV of Germany since 1985.

Having been to the Philippines frequently since 1983, I have trained intensively in person not only with the Grandmasters Remy, Ernesto and Roberto Presas, but also with all other Grandmasters and Masters of Modern Arnis in the Philippines.

I was appointed Modern Arnis Representative for Europe in 1996 by Professor Remy Presas, 10th degree and founder of Modern Arnis, and was awarded 6th degree Modern Arnis and the title “DATU” at the same time.

After receiving my 7th, 8th degree and the Grandmaster title and 9th degree in the Philippines, on September 24th 2016 GM Roberto Presas, 10th degree Modern Arnis, awarded me the 10th degree black belt Dan Modern Arnis as the only non-Filipino at that time.

Besides being the German chief-instructor for Modern Arnis, I regularly teach at the Essener KSC Manila e.V., the oldest Arnis club in Germany since 1984 and at the TSC Eintracht in Dortmund since 1991.
Since 1980 I have taught over 1000 Modern Arnis seminars, more than 120 of them internationally in 19 differnt   countries worldwide.

I have personally examined over 500 Modern Arnis black belts and I have students from beginner level up to 8th degree black belt.

With my company “ABANICO” I have been producing martial arts instructional videos since 1989, first VHS videos, then DVDs. Today, the focus is on download or streaming videos, which are sold worldwide and which my customers consider to be the some of the best instructional videos worldwide.

GM Datu Dieter Knüttel

GM Datu Dieter Knüttel

GM Datu Dieter Knüttel is a 10th Dan holder and Grandmaster of Modern Arnis. He is a qualified sports instructor and national trainer of the Deutsche Arnis Verband e.V. (DAV). With his company "ABANICO" he produces martial arts instructional videos, DVDs and downloadable media.

Award of the 10th Dan Modern Arnis

Modern Arnis my martial art

Interesting DVDs and downloadable videos by GM Datu Dieter Knuettel on the topics of self-defence and martial arts can be found below:

GM Datu Dieter Knüttel

GM Datu Dieter Knuettel

10th degree black belt and Grandmaster of Modern Arnis and owner of “ABANICO


Knyphausenstr. 2b
44287 Dortmund

Phone: + 49 (0)231 – 494 80 60