Here you find all black weekend offers from Abanico.
To order or for more information, just klick on one of the red links or on a picture

All download-videos in english.
Prices outside the EU are cheaper, because the VAT is automatically deducted.

Modern Arnis Tapi-Tapi: 7 videos

69,99 € instead of 79,99 €

Tapi-Tapi offer: 7 videos

Modern Arnis Tapi-Tapi: complete DAV student program and 6 A-LOT videos on Tapi-Tapi


Inayan System of Eskrima: 11 videos

169,99 € instead of 199,99 €

Inayan Angebot

11 Videos about the Inayan System of Eskrima by Mike Inay and Emanuel Hart











Jeet Kune Do: 7 videos

99,99 € instead of 129,90 €

Jeet Kune Do Angebot

7 videos about Jeet Kune Do by Bob Breen











Filipino Grandmasters: 5 videos

74,99 € instead of 89,90 €

Modern Arnis - Filipino GMs

Offer: 5 videos with filipino Modern Arnis Grandmasters


Police-Tonfa: 3 videos

43,99 € instead of 53,90 €

Police Tonfa: 3 videos

This is  the second video about the DAV-Europe seminar, that took place in September 2022 in Dortmund.

It shows the Sunday-training for the colored belts.

The DAV had invited the representatives of 4 countries, to share their skills with the participants.

About 80 participants from France, Hungary, Czech Republic, and Germany came to train Modern Arnis.

The instructors were:

Senior Guro Tomáš Severa, 3rd Dan, Czech Republic
Senior Guro Zoltán Turek, 5th Dan, Hungary
Senior Guro Laurent Hit, 5th Dan, France
GM Datu Dieter Knüttel, 10th Dan, Germany.

The instructon was excellent and gave the participants new ideas and insights into their Modern Arnis.

There are 2 versions. when you click on the red links you find more information about the videos and you can order them there:

DAV-Europe-Seminar-Vol.2 – download

16,90 €

DAV-Europe-Seminar-Vol. 2- download + streaming

19,90 €

DAV-Europa-Seminar - Vol. 2

Modern Arnis from the leading experts of the DAV in Europe:

Running time 112 minutes


This is  the first video about the DAV-Europe seminar, that took place in September 2022 in Dortmund.

It shows the comlete training of the first day.

The DAV had invited the representatives of 4 countries, to share their skills with the participants.

About 80 participants from France, Hungary, Czech Republic, and Germany came to train Modern Arnis.

The instructors were:

Senior Guro Tomáš Severa, 3rd Dan, Czech Republic
Senior Guro Zoltán Turek, 5th Dan, Hungary
Senior Guro Laurent Hit, 5th Dan, France
GM Datu Dieter Knüttel, 10th Dan, Germany.

The instructon was excellent and gave the participants new ideas and insights into their Modern Arnis.

There are 2 versions. when you click on the red links you fiond more information about the videos and you can order them there:

DAV-Europe-Seminar-Vol. 1 – download

16,90 €

DAV-Europe-Seminar-Vol. 1- download + streaming

19,90 €

DAV-Europe-Seminar - Vol. 1

Modern Arnis from the leading experts of the DAV in Europe: Senior Guro Laurent Hit Senior Guro Zoltán Turek Senior Guro Tomáš Severa GM Datu Dieter Knüttel

Running time 54 minutes