This is the first video about the DAV-Europe seminar, that took place in September 2022 in Dortmund.
It shows the comlete training of the first day.
The DAV had invited the representatives of 4 countries, to share their skills with the participants.
About 80 participants from France, Hungary, Czech Republic, and Germany came to train Modern Arnis.
The instructors were:
The instructon was excellent and gave the participants new ideas and insights into their Modern Arnis.
Enjoy the video!
The video has chapter markers.
If you watch the video with the VLC player, go to playback and then chapter and you can choose the chapters like a menu of a DVD.
Here the content of the video:
00:00 Intro
00:29 1st training: all thogether
00:32 Combination 1
00:37 – GM Datu Dieter Knüttel
01:04 – Senior Guro Laurent Hit
01:28 – Senior Guro Zoltán Turek
02:01 – Senior Guro Tomáš Severa
03:47 Combination 2
03:50 – Senior Guro Laurent Hit
04:17 – Senior Guro Zoltán Turek
05:33 – Senior Guro Tomáš Severa
06:43 – GM Datu Dieter Knüttel
08:41 Combination 5
08:46 – Senior Guro Zoltán Turek
09:36 – Senior Guro Tomáš Severa
10:52 – Senior Guro Laurent Hit
11:55 2nd training: SG Zoltán Turek
12:00 Presas trapping with hand changes
13:12 – Hand changes at the Butt/Punyo
14:38 – Hand changes at the Butt/Punyo with armbar
16:45 – Hand changes at the Butt/Punyo with wristlock
18:28 – Hand changes at the Butt/Punyo with throwing techniques
20:15 – Hand changes at the Butt/Punyo with chokes
22:47 – Hand changes at the Butt/Punyo with chokes – 2
24:59 – Hand changes at the Butt/Punyo with double armlock and choke
27:40 SG Zoltán Turek: conclusion
28:35 3rd training: Senior Guro Tomáš Severa
28:39 Empty hand flow drill
29:15 Modern principle against 1 and 2
30:40 – Modern principle against 2: Double gunting
31:31 – Modern principle against 2: hand change and gunting back and forth
32:38 – 2 ways, to attack the ellbow
33:48 – Modern principle against 2: Applications of the previous techniques
36:13 – Modern principle: defense against the left hand: gunting, hand change back and forth
37:16 – Tactical body manipulation
38:40 – Modern principle against 2: Defense against the 2nd attack
40:34 – Different entries for the flow drill
42:03 – Applying different techniques in the drill
45:42 4th training: Senior Guro Laurent Hit
45:47 Double Sinawali with Abanicos and double techniques
45:57 – Double Sinawali
46:07 – Strike 1: Abanico – double strike – Abanico
47:13 – Strike 4: Abanico – double strike – Abanico
47:56 – Strike 2: Abanico – double strike – Abanico
49:05 – Strike 5: Abanico – double strike – Abanico
50:07 – Strike 3: Abanico – double strike – Abanico
51:05 – Strike 6: Abanico – double strike – Abanico
52:17 – All techniques together
53:03 Final words
53:40 Info
54:09 End
Not only quick demos on Youtube. Lots of them there. But here you find detailled instruction with “What, why and how”. With many details, that get lost on pure demos
Videos from Abanico: You can really learn from them!
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