Modern Arnis World Legacy Camp 2023 – 3 lessons of GM Datu Dieter Knüttel
End of September 2023 I had the honor to teach 3 lessons during the Modern Arnis World Legacy Camp, that was organized by GM Brian Zawilinski.
8 of the best Modern Arnis instructors of the world gathered for on 3 day camp in Cromwell, CT, USA, to share their passion, Modern Arnis and to honor their teacher, GM Remy Presas, the founder of Modern Arnis.
In no particular order: GM Dan Anderson, GM Bruce Chiu, GM Bram Frank, Shinjii Janet Aalfs, MoTT Roland Rivera, GM Brian Zawilinski, Tuhon Ray Dionaldo and GM Datu Dieter Knüttel
It was the biggest Modern Arnis Camp in the USA since the passing of GM Remy Presas in 2001 and the spirit during the camp was amazing!
This download and streaming video shows the complete 3 lessons of GM Datu Dieter Knüttel.
Lesson 1: Disarming in Sinawali
Lesson 2: Tapi-Tapi
Lesson 3: Empty hand techniques
A lot of information was covered and you find the details of the content of the video description when you click on one of the links.
There are 2 versions.
When you click on the red links you find more information about the videos and you can order them there:
Modern Arnis Legacy Camp 2023 – download
24,90 €
Modern Arnis Legacy Camp 2023 – download + streaming
29,90 €
Running time 84 minutes