The Balisong video – Vol 1:
In this video, GM Datu Dieter Knüttel will introduce you to the Balisong, also known as the butterfly knife, the famous knife from the Philppines.
The video contains a mine of information about the Balisong knife, including a brief look at its history.
Approximately 25 opening and closing techniques in the knife (heaven) and dagger (earth) position are demonstrated and explained, as well as some show techniques and a brief explanation on how to handle 2 knives.
For more advanced techniques, you can also look at Balisong Vol. 2.
This video was produced in the early 1990ies and it should be noted that the Balisong is illegal in several countries.
Please check in your country before training with the Balisong!
The Balisong video – Vol 2:
In this video, GM Datu Dieter Knüttel will lead you through advanced techniques with the Balisong.
You should master the techniques of Vol. 1 before trying to learn the advanced techniques demonstrated in this video.
Here, you have approx. 35 advanced techniques:
– changing hands
– switching from the knife position to the dagger position and reverse,
– Balisong throws
– selfdefense with the closed Balisong
This video was produced in the early 1990ies and it should be noted that the Balisong is illegal in several countries.
Please check in your country before training with the Balisong!
About the author:
Grandmaster Datu Dieter Knüttel
Dieter Knüttel, M.A. in sports science is Modern Arnis chief-instructor for der DAV of Germany and European Modern Arnis Representative (1996 -2001) of Professor Remy A. Presas.
He 1received the title of DATU and the rank of Lakan Anim, 6th Dan Modern Arnis from Professor Remy Presas in 1996, as 4th of 6 persons and the only person outside of the USA who has received this title.
After receivinhg his 7th, 8th and 9th Dan in the Philippines, on Septemer 24th 2016 it was publically announced in Dortmund, Germany, that he has awarded 10th Dan, Lakan Sampu by Grandmaster Roberto Presas, 10. Dan Modern Arnis.
Dieter Knuettel is involved with the Filipino Martial Arts since 1978 and he has been teaching FMA/Modern Arnis seminars since 1980 all over Europe, in Australia, in the USA, in Russia and even in the Philippines.
He is one of the most experienced Modern Arnis Masters worldwide.