The “Best of the West” camp with 5 leading Modern Arnis masters of the West was one of the largest Modern Arnis events worldwide with over 200 participants.
Mott B. Zawilinski, GM D. Anderson, GM Datu D. Knüttel, MoTT C. Gauss and GM Datu T. Hartman taught at this fantastic event hosted by DAV and D. Knüttel.
The video “Best of the West – Demos of the Masters” is also available as a download file
The 5 Best of the West instructors, Mott Brian Zawilinski, GM Dan Anderson, GM Datu Dieter Knuttel, MoTT Chuck Gauss and GM Datu Tim Hartman (and I also mention GM Datu Kelly Worden, who was also invited to attend but could not ome due to an injury) prove here that the various Modern Arnis organizations and groups can have good relationships with each other and that it is possible to work well together in mutual respect.
The good atmosphere and attitude of the participants as well as the friendship among the teachers made this camp something special.
The “Healing Camp” in Buffalo, USA 2011 and this “Best of the West” camp from Dortmund 2012 shows that the Modern Arnis has a great future worldwide.
In this video, the 5 masters give interviews, explaining and demonstrating aspects of their Modern Arnis.
This is followed by a tapi-tapi lesson in which all 5 each teach a technique.
At the end of the camp a video, on which you can see the versatility of Modern Arnis
The 5 teachers of the Best of the West Camp:
MoTT Brian Zawilinski, IMAF, USA
MoTT Chuck Gauss, IMAF USA
GM Dan Anderson, MA80, USA
GM Datu Dieter Knüttel, DAV Germany
GM Datu Tim Hartman, WMAA, USA
are among the leading Modern Arnis representatives of the Western world.
They came together at the “Best of the West” camp to teach Modern Arnis together.
The light but especially the sound situation was sometimes very difficult. Sometimes 2 loud groups trained in the same hall. Sometimes the voice of the coach will sound soft or clanking. The reason is that quite a few frequencies had to be hidden, in order to understand the teacher about the sometimes very loud general noise level.
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