See nine seemingly harmless everyday objects transform into devastating weapons before your very eyes! This training DVD looks at defensive techniques with a walking stick, a newspaper, a book, a handbag, a ballpoint pen, a key ring, a music-cassette, a coin, a soft-textured object and with no “weapon” at all. Defensive techniques against the following attacks are demonstrated: grabs, front bearhugs and front chokeholds.
Grandmaster and Datu Dieter Knüttel
M.A. in sports science is Modern Arnis chief-instructor for Germany and European Modern Arnis Representative (1996 -2001) of Professor Remy A. Presas. He received the title of DATU and the rank of Lakan Anim, 6th Dan Modern Arnis from Professor Remy Presas in 1996. In March 2003 he received his 7th Dan and Seniior Master status in Modern Arnis in Manila/Philippines from the board of the worlds highest ranking Modern Arnis players: Cristion Vasquez, 9th Dan, Rene Tongson, 8th Dan, Rodel Dagooc, 8th Dan, Jerry de La Cruz, 8th Dan, Victor Sanchez, 8th Dan and Samuel Dulay, 7th Dan.
At the 25th of July 2008 he received 8th Dan Modern Arnis and the Grandmaster title from the highest ranking Modern Arnis masters and Grandmaster of the Philippines.
Dieter Knuettel is involved with the Filipino Martial Arts since 1978 and he has been teaching Modern Arnis seminars since 1983 all over Europe, in Australia, in the USA, in Russia and even in the Philippines. He is one of the most experienced Modern Arnis Masters worldwide.
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