The 3 Modern Arnis Master of the DAV, Senior Master Jørgen Gydesen, Senior Master Hans Karrer and Grandmaster Datu Dieter Knüttel taught in July 2010 during the 5th FMA Festival, Modern Arnis as a representative of the German Arnis Association, e.V., DAV.
At the festival gala, SM Gydesen and SM Karrer were awarded the 7th Dan Moden Arnis by the Grand Masters present.
Watch the lesson on this video, plus tutorials filmed specially for this video, in which the 3 masters demonstrate some of their special techniques.
Here is the content:
SM Jørgen Gydesen
Stick lockflow on attack 1
Stick lockflow on attack 2
Lessons: stick lockflows
SM Hans Karrer
Karanza: Karanza 1, 2 and 3,
Karanza sword, twirling, stick double stick Karanza
Lesson 1: Karanza 3: Abanico corto with applications
Lesson 2: Modern Drill: Stock – unarmed
GM Datu Dieter Knüttel
knife disarms:
12 knife disarms in a flow drill
12 dagger disarms in a flow drill
Lesson 1: Tapi-Tapi: disarming and locking techniques
Lesson 2: Dulo-Dulo (Palmstick), use of pens and other short items in selfdefnse
About the authors:
Grandmaster Datu Dieter Knüttel
Dieter Knüttel, M.A. in sports science is Modern Arnis chief-instructor for der DAV of Germany and European Modern Arnis Representative (1996 -2001) of Professor Remy A. Presas.
He 1received the title of DATU and the rank of Lakan Anim, 6th Dan Modern Arnis from Professor Remy Presas in 1996, as 4th of 6 persons and the only person outside of the USA who has received this title.
After receivinhg his 7th, 8th and 9th Dan in the Philippines, on Septemer 24th 2016 it was publically announced in Dortmund, Germany, that he has awarded 10th Dan, Lakan Sampu by Grandmaster Roberto Presas, 10. Dan Modern Arnis.
Dieter Knuettel is involved with the Filipino Martial Arts since 1978 and he has been teaching FMA/Modern Arnis seminars since 1980 all over Europe, in Australia, in the USA, in Russia and even in the Philippines.
He is one of the most experienced Modern Arnis Masters worldwide.
Senor Master Hans Karrer
began in 1979 with the Arnis training under champion Jackson Cui Brocka, later under GM Ernesto Presas and Professor Remy Presas.
He took the Exam for the 5th Dan in 1999 at GM Remy Presas, 2005 the 6th Dan over GM Rene Tongson from a Philippine Grandmaster Commission and in 2010 the 7th Dan in the Philippines from the Grand Masters Commission from the hands of Senator Zubiri.
He is the coordinator of Modern Arnis in Southern Germany, where he supervises Modern Arnis since the mid-80s.
He is the founder and owner of the martial arts school “Tatort” in Ulm.
Senor Master Jørgen Gydesen
began in 1983 with the Modern Arnis training under GM Dieter Knüttel, but also trained under GM Ernesto Presas and Professor Remy Presas.
He then lived in Denmark, is considered the founder of Modern Arnis in Denmark and Scandinavia, where he spread Modern Arnis.
Johan Skalberg and Thorbjörn Hartelius are also among his pupils.
He took the Exam for the 5th Dan in 1999 at GM Remy Presas, 2005 the 6th Dan over GM Rene Tongson from a Philippine Grandmaster Commission and in 2010 the 7th Dan in the Philippines from the Grand Masters Commission from the hands of Senator Zubiri.
He lives in Ulm since the beginning of the 90s and together with SM Hans Karrer forms the strong Modern Anris team of the DAV for Southern Germany.
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