In January 2023 GM, Datu Dieter Knüttel held 2 seminars in France, one in Brest and one in Paris.
The seminars were held in english and you can also hear the french translator in the videos.
These 3 videos cover the seminars.
Find below the content of the videos and the trailer!
The videos have chapter markers.
If you watch the videos with the VLC player, go to “Playback” and then “Chapter” and you can choose the chapters like a menu of a DVD.
Modern Arnis Seminar Brest:
The topic was mainly disarmings, first from single attacks then within the single sinawali.
Empty hand locks were also covered.
00:00 Intro
00:28 Welcome
00:49 Disarming in Singel Sinawali
00:52 – Single Sinawali
01:14 – 1 stick vs. Single Sinawali
01:54 – 1 stick vs. Double Sinawali
04:59 – Distance
08:46 – Disarms of the 1st Series
11:35 – Disarm against attack number 1
13:38 – Detailed explanation
18:16 – Disarm against attack number 2
19:33 – Variation against a straight arm
21:09 – Disarm in Single Sinawali against attack number 1 – ignoring the left hand
23:19 – Disarm in Single Sinawali against attack number 1 – also disarming the left hand
28:42 – Disarm in Single Sinawali against attack number 2 – ignoring the right hand
31:19 – Disarming in Single Sinawali back and forth
31:56 – Disarm in Single Sinawali against attack number 2 – also disarming the right hand
39:19 Empty hands: Locks
39:59 – Straight armbar
41:02 – Detailed explanation
53:15 – Straight armbar applied with a stick
55:33 Info
56:02 End
Rock Intro 3 von Audionautix ist unter der Lizenz “Creative Commons Attribution” ( lizenziert.
Modern Arnis Seminar Paris 202:
In the video you will see fundamentals of the Modern Arnis of the DAV, disarmings with throwing, sopme surprising footwork while doing sticklocks or throws, knife defense and empty hand locking techniques.
00:00:00 Intro
00:00:28 Welcome
00:00:49 1 to 1 – Free flow
00:01:33 Some fundamentals of the Modern Arnis of the DAV
00:01:39 – Striking with the wrist
00:02:22 – The biomechanic of the strike
00:06:19 – How to block
00:06:54 – Grabbing the stick
00:07:12 – How to grab and control the stick
00:08:07 – Developing the timing
00:09:46 Disarming and throwing
00:09:54 – Against strike 1
00:10:59 – The same technique against the strikes 1, 3, 6, 9 and 11
00:11:37 – Stepping straight in while blocking: “Shortening the angle”
00:12:59 – Applying a lock and throw via the neck
00:14:30 – The (surprising) correct step for the throw via the neck
00:20:33 – Using weight and mass and not strength
00:22:50 – Variation: Stick on the sternum and control afterwards
00:25:37 – Entry with the 2nd series (snake circle)
00:28:49 – Applying the pressure at the right position
00:29:42 Knife defense
00:29:48 – Attack 5: stab to the stomach: ellbow break and disarming
00:33:07 – Why and how to move
00:34:47 The most important thing in selfdefense!
00:35:30 – How to attack the head and follow up techniques
00:37:51 – The straight armbar
00:39:30 – Detailed explanation
00:47:13 – 2nd straight armbar and how to use pain to get it
00:50:52 – Attack 12: overhead attack in daggar (earth, pakal) grip
00:52:32 – Attack 1: in daggar (earth, pakal) grip)
00:53:15 – How to use a monosynaptical reflex to enter the lock or throw
00:55:41 Empty hand locks
00:55:50 – Wristlock
00:56:04 – Detailed explanation
00:59:00 – With the reverse hand position
01:00:13 – From other positions
01:01:48 – Z-Lock or Center Lock
01:02:44 – Detailed explanation
01:04:29 – From different positions
01:06:01 – Locking a fist
01:11:12 Free lockflow
01.13:07 Ending the seminar
01:13:19 Info
01:13:48 End
Rock Intro 3 von Audionautix ist unter der Lizenz “Creative Commons Attribution” ( lizenziert.
Self defense with a mobile phone:
This download video teaches you, how to use a moblie phone during selfdefense.
Many different topice were covered during this lesson at the 2023 seminar in Paris, France.
You will learn about verbal self defense and about non fighting strategies.
But also a lot who you can use the mobile phone very effectively and very painfully for the attacker in different selfdefense situations like:
defense against an arm grab, defense against a lapel grab and agaist punches.
You will also learn, how to enhance locks with the mobile phine.
This video will lead you in to a new world of possibilities with the mobile phone.
00:00 Intro
00:28 Welcome
00:37 Verbal selfdefense
01:09 – What are you looking at?
02:52 – Do you have a problem?
04:46 Selfdefense with the mobile phone – non fighting strategies
05:18 – What is the best ever selfdefense tool?
07:12 – Awareness test with the mobile phone
09:25 – Collecting evidence “in case of…”
10:56 – Checking the area
12:23 – Sending signals to the potential attacker
17:02 Selfdefense with the mobile phone
17:13 – Defense against grabbing the arm
17:34 – Where and how to strike
18:42 – How to position yourself properly
20:19 – How to enhance the strikes with the phone
22:14 – Defense against grabbing the lapel
25:40 – Defense against a punch
28:11 – Safety tips
29:16 – How to hit the target
30:03 – Fight or don’t fight. But if you fight: 100 %
32:36 – Attacking the sternum
37:17 – Attacking the head and the collarbone
39:28 Orientation: where is the exit?
41:16 – Enhancing the locks with the phone
41:51 – The straight armbar
43:02 – The wristlock
44:05 Closing Words
44:41 Info
45:10 End
Rock Intro 3 von Audionautix ist unter der Lizenz “Creative Commons Attribution” ( lizenziert.
Not only quick demos on Youtube. Lots of them there. But here you find detailled instruction with “What, why and how”. With many details, that get lost on pure demos
Videos from Abanico: You can really learn from them!
Grandmaster Datu Dieter Knüttel
Dieter Knüttel, M.A. in sports science is Modern Arnis chief-instructor for der DAV of Germany and European Modern Arnis Representative (1996 -2001) of Professor Remy A. Presas.
He 1received the title of DATU and the rank of Lakan Anim, 6th Dan Modern Arnis from Professor Remy Presas in 1996, as 4th of 6 persons and the only person outside of the USA who has received this title.
After receivinhg his 7th, 8th and 9th Dan in the Philippines, on Septemer 24th 2016 it was publically announced in Dortmund, Germany, that he has awarded 10th Dan, Lakan Sampu by Grandmaster Roberto Presas, 10. Dan Modern Arnis.
Dieter Knuettel is involved with the Filipino Martial Arts since 1978 and he has been teaching FMA/Modern Arnis seminars since 1980 all over Europe, in Australia, in the USA, in Russia and even in the Philippines.
He is one of the most experienced Modern Arnis Masters worldwide.
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